フッ化水素輸出規制 韓国 半導体業界  반도체 재료의 대 한국 수출을 규제 日本は臨戦態勢に入った








Regulate export of semiconductor materials to Korea Countermeasures against industrial problems From 4th of next month
Korea is no longer recognized as a "white country" (Japan's friendly country) for Japan

For the first time in history, the Japanese government decides economic sanctions against Korea
The government reconsiders the operation of export control to Korea, and a total of 3 fluorinated polyimides used for organic EL display parts of TVs and smartphones, and resist and etching gas (high purity hydrogen fluoride) which are indispensable in the process of manufacturing semiconductors. Strengthen export restrictions on items from July 4th. It is a de facto counter measure against the fact that the Korean side does not show concrete measures for improving relations over the so-called solicitation lawsuit. If triggered, the Korean economy may be adversely affected. It announces on July 1st.



The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry announced on the 1st that it will strengthen export control of chemical products necessary for semiconductor manufacturing etc. to Korea. The targets are 3 items such as fluorinated polyimides used for smartphone displays.

It will be substantially embargoed and it will be a big blow to Korea's economy, which has semiconductors as its main industry.

Photosensitive solution and high purity hydrogen fluoride are essential materials for semiconductor manufacturing, and if supply is interrupted, it is fatal to semiconductor companies such as Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix. Japan does not totally ban exports, but if it takes about 90 days to apply for a license and review it, it is inevitable that production will suffer.

It has been revealed on the 16th that Korea's strategic supplies, which can be diverted to missile warhead processing and uranium enrichment equipment, have recently been illegally exported in large quantities. It is possible that South Korea's strategic supplies, which can be used to produce weapons of mass destruction (WMD), have been brought into North Korea, Iran, etc. via a third country.






The government announced on the 1st that it will tighten export procedures for three chemical products used in semiconductor manufacturing etc. to Korea. Switch to a method in which the government examines and permits each export contract, virtually limiting exports. The policy is to expand the limit to other items in the future, which will be a major blow to Korea, which has semiconductors as its main industry. The Korean Supreme Court has ordered Japanese companies to pay compensation for Korean former workers, and has taken a de facto counter-measure to urge the Korean government to take action.

On the issue of contract work, the Japanese side strongly protested that "the compensation problem has been resolved by the Japan-Korea claim agreement", and requested the Korean government's response by the 20 major countries / region (G20) summit on June 28 and 29 It was said that no satisfactory answer was obtained. However, there is concern that the method of taking export restrictions as a means of solving foreign affairs may go against the policy of promoting free trade that Japan has advocated for G20 and so on. South Korea ’s Minister of Industry, Trade and Resources, Korea ’s Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry said yesterday that “the necessary measures will be taken based on international law, including a lawsuit against the World Trade Organization”.

The three steps are to tighten the procedure: fluorinated polyimide used for smartphone screens, etc., resist applied to semiconductor substrate (photosensitive agent), and hydrogen fluoride used for semiconductor cleaning. So far, companies that export to Korea have been given preferential treatment to exempt individual export license applications from the Japanese government, but they will be excluded from the 4th. Domestic production of the three items accounts for more than 70% of global production, which will be a hit on Korean companies procured from Japan. The government will also remove Korea from "White Country", which favors security friendly countries in export procedures, and will tighten export procedures for electronic components and other advanced technologies.

The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry said in a statement that "the procedure has been reviewed because the trust between the two countries has been severely impaired and it is not possible for Korea to confirm that proper export control is being conducted." At a press conference on Wednesday, Deputy Secretary General Yasuhiro Nishimura said, "It is not against free trade."

At the same time, Mr. Sung criticized the meeting at the meeting of officials of relevant ministries and agencies, saying that it totally violates the spirit of Japan's declaration at the G20 Summit aimed at a free and fair trade environment. First Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Chose Young, protested by calling on the Japanese ambassador to Japan Yasuaki Nagamine.

<図表Ⅱ‐4 - 9 > GATT 第 21 条の条文内容 この協定のいかなる規定も、次のいずれかのことを定めるものと解してはならない。 (a)締約国に対し、発表すれば自国の安全保障上の重大な利益に反するとその締約国が認める情 報の提供を要求すること。 (b)締約国が自国の安全保障上の重大な利益の保護のために必要であると認める次のいずれかの 措置を執ることを妨げること。 (i) 核分裂性物質又はその生産原料である物質に関する措置 (ii)武器、弾薬及び軍需品の取引並びに軍事施設に供給するため直接又は間接に行なわれるその 他の貨物及び原料の取引に関する措置 (iii)戦時その他の国際関係の緊急時に執る措置 (c)締約国が国際の平和及び安全の維持のため国際連合憲章に基づく義務に従う措置を執ること を妨げること。 

<図表Ⅱ‐4 - 9 > GATT 第 21 条の条文内容 この協定のいかなる規定も、次のいずれかのことを定めるものと解してはならない。 (a)締約国に対し、発表すれば自国の安全保障上の重大な利益に反するとその締約国が認める情 報の提供を要求すること。 (b)締約国が自国の安全保障上の重大な利益の保護のために必要であると認める次のいずれかの 措置を執ることを妨げること。 (i) 核分裂性物質又はその生産原料である物質に関する措置 (ii)武器、弾薬及び軍需品の取引並びに軍事施設に供給するため直接又は間接に行なわれるその 他の貨物及び原料の取引に関する措置 (iii)戦時その他の国際関係の緊急時に執る措置 (c)締約国が国際の平和及び安全の維持のため国際連合憲章に基づく義務に従う措置を執ること を妨げること。

GATT 第 21 条は、安全保障という国家にとっ て死活的な関心を有する領域を規律する関係上、 以下の点で GATT 第 20 条と異なる条文構造と なっている。第一に、GATT 第 21 条では、条文 上、加盟国自身が「自国の安全保障上の重大な利 益」の有無を判断できるとされている。第二に、 GATT 第 21 条には、GATT 第 20 条柱書のよう な濫用防止規定がなく、各加盟国に広範な裁量を 与えている。 GATT 第 21 条については、GATT 第 20 条と 異なり、WTO 紛争解決手続でパネル・上級委員 会の解釈が示されたことはない。 

Iran rejected on Tuesday a White House accusation that Tehran was long violating the terms of its nuclear deal with world powers, after the Islamic Republic said it had amassed more low-enriched uranium than permitted under the accord.

"Seriously?" Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said in a message on social network Twitter, after a statement by White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham that said, "There is little doubt that even before the deal’s existence, Iran was violating its terms."
Tehran's announcement drew a warning from President Donald Trump that Tehran was "playing with fire."

The move marked Iran's first major step beyond the terms of the pact since the United States pulled out of it more than a year ago. However, Zarif said the move was not a violation of the accord, arguing that Tehran was exercising its right to respond to the US walkout.

The step, however, could have far-reaching consequences for diplomacy at a time when European countries are trying to pull the United States and Iran back from confrontation. It comes less than two weeks after Trump said he ordered air strikes on Iran, only to cancel them minutes before impact.

Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported that the country's enriched uranium stockpile has now passed the 300-kg (661 lb) limit allowed under the deal.

The U.N. nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which monitors Iran's nuclear program under the deal, confirmed in Vienna that Tehran had breach
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Trump, asked if he had a message for Iran, said, "No message to Iran. They know what they're doing. They know what they're playing with, and I think they're playing with fire. So, no message to Iran whatsoever."

European powers, which remain party to the accord and have tried to keep it in place, urged Iran not to take further steps that would violate it. But they held off on declaring the agreement void or announcing sanctions of their own.

The White House charge that Iran probably was in violation of the nuclear deal before and after it was reached in 2015 sharply contrasts with CIA Director Gina Haspel’s testimony in January to the Senate Intelligence Committee saying, "At the moment, technically, they are in compliance."

Daryl Kimball, the executive director of the Arms Control Association, said the White House charge was "illogical."

He pointed out that at the time the nuclear deal was concluded, Tehran and the IAEA agreed on a "roadmap" through which Iran is addressing the nuclear watchdog’s unanswered questions about the nuclear weapons research program that the IAEA and the US intelligence community assessed ended in 2003.

"The process is still underway," he said.

He also said there was no international standard prohibiting Iran from enriching uranium, as asserted by Pompeo. "That is not the case. That is an American position," he said.

The six U.N. Security Council resolutions that Pompeo asserted established that standard were superseded by Resolution 2231 enshrining the nuclear deal and allowing Iran to enrich uranium within the agreement's restrictions.

While Iran announced on Monday that it breached the deal's restriction on storing more than 300 kg (661 lb) of low-enriched uranium, Kimball said the issue would be adjudicated through the accord’s dispute resolution mechanism.

It was the United States, he said, that first violated the deal when Trump withdrew from it while Iran still was in compliance and then re-imposed harsh US sanctions that had been suspended by the nuclear agreement.

Iran’s breach, he said, does not affect the deal’s central target of extending to a year the time in which Iran could "breakout" and produce enough highly enriched uranium for a warhead.

The breach is a political move aimed at pressuring the European Union, China and Russia to compensate Iran for the serious damage to its economy from US sanctions, he said.

英名Ultra High Purity Hydrofluoric Acid
  • 半導体・太陽電池製造における、シリコンウェハのウェットエッチングおよびウェット洗浄
  • 液晶ディスプレイなどのFPD(Flat Panel Display)製造工程
  • 水晶振動子(クォーツ振動子)の製造工程
  • 5kg、20kg、25kgポリエチレンボトル
  • 200kgケミドラム
  • 15kg、100kg、200kg圧送容器
  • 1,000kg、5,500kg、10,000kg、18,000kg コンテナ


輸出 HS:281111 無機化学品_無機酸_フッ化水素(フッ化水素酸)
《2017年 輸出相手国のシェア(%)》

「フッ化水素」のストーリーの画像(Record China)

ついに日本が報復?フッ化水素の輸出ストップ、韓国の半導体業界に緊張 ...

Record China-

業界の話によると、日本で最近、ある企業のフッ化水素輸出申請が承認されない事態が発生した。同企業のフッ化水素は、サムスン電子やSKハイニックスなど韓国の半導体製造企業に供給される予定だった。フッ化水素は戦略物質に分類 ...

徴用工判決:日韓両政府、批判の応酬 冷却化深刻

制裁や報復ですらない、フッ化水素が日本から入らなくなったということだけでも悲鳴をあげているのに、本格的に制裁や日本企業離れが始まったら彼らはどうするつもりなのでしょう。契約しても反故にされるのが当たり前の国なんて、何処の国 ...

14 時間前 - 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。 記事によると、フッ化水素は最近、原料の供給が減り需給が厳しく ...
18/11/08 にこのページにアクセスしました。


10 時間前 - フッ化水素」のTwitter(ツイッター )、Facebookの検索結果です。 Yahoo!検索(リアルタイム)
6 時間前 - ついに日本が報復?フッ化水素の輸出ストップ、韓国の半導体業界に緊張走る ▽記事によると… ・2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないと.
7 時間前 - 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。 記事によると、フッ化水素は最近、原料の供給が減り需給が厳しく ...
12 時間前 - 1:ななしさん 2018/11/09(金) 09:09:17.87 レコードチャイナ 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。

9 時間前 - 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。 以下リンク先全文参照 スクリーンショット 2018-11-09 11.59.58
3 時間前 - 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。 フッ化水素は戦略物質に分類されるため、輸出・輸入するには当局 ...
11 分前 - 半導体用のフッ化水素は高い純度が必要とされるため、森田化学工業やステラケミファなどの日本企業が独占生産している。日本企業が供給を中止すれば、韓国の半導体工場は稼働できなくなる可能性もあるという。 これに、韓国のネットユーザーからは「これ ...
12 時間前 - 2018年11月8日、韓国・電子新聞は「日本政府が韓国に輸出される半導体製造用フッ化水素の一部を承認しないという事態が発生した」とし、「韓国の半導体業界に緊張が走っている」と伝えた。 記事によると、フッ化水素は最近、原料の供給が減り需給が厳しく ...


出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』


